Promised emission cuts made to the UN last week

Appendix I - Quantified economy-wide emissions targets for 2020
Annex I PartiesQuantified economy-wide emissions targets for 2020

Emissions reduction in 2020Base year
pdf-icon Australia (165 kB)

-5% up to -15% or -25%

Australia will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 25% on 2000 levels by 2020 if the world agrees to an ambitious global deal capable of stabilising levels ofgreenhouse gases in the atmosphere at 450 ppm CO2-eq or lower. Australia will unconditionally reduce our emissions by 5% below 2000 levels by 2020, and by up to 15% by 2020 if there is a global agreement which falls short of securing atmospheric stabilisation at 450 ppm CO2-eq and under which major developing economiescommit to substantially restrain emissions and advanced economies take on commitments comparable to Australia's.


pdf-icon Belarus (208 kB)

pdf-icon Letter (32 kB)

-5-10% reduction, which is premised on the presence of and access of Belarus to the Kyoto flexible mechanisms, intensification of technology transfer, capacity building and experience enhancement for Belarus taking into consideration the special conditions of the Parties included in Annex I undergoing the process of transition to a market economy, clarity in the use of new LULUCF rules and modalities.1990
pdf-icon (Eng.) (316 kB) pdf-icon (Fr.)(364 kB)

17%, to be aligned with the final economy-wide emissions target of the United States in enacted legislation.

17% en vue d'être aligné avec l'objectif de réduction d'émissions final des États-Unis dans la législation en vigueur.

pdf-icon Croatia (286 kB)


Temporary target for Croatia. Upon the accession of Croatia to the European Union, the Croatian target shall be replaced by arrangement in line with and part of the European Union mitigation effort.


Base year calculated according to decision 7/CP.12

pdf-icon EU¹ and its Member States (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom) acting in common (346 kB)


As part of a global and comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2012, the EU reiterates its conditional offer to move to a 30% reduction by 2020 compared to 1990 levels, provided that other developed countries commit themselves to comparable emission reductions and that developing countries contribute adequately according to their responsibilities and respective capabilities.

pdf-icon Japan (141 kB)25% reduction, which is premised on the establishment of a fair and effective international framework in which all major economies participate and on agreement by those economies on ambitious targets.1990
pdf-icon Kazakhstan² (61 kB)15%1992
pdf-icon Liechtenstein (358 kB)Liechtenstein commits itself to reduce greenhouse gas(GHG) emissions 20% below 1990 levels by 2020. If other developed countries agree to comparable reductions and emerging economies contribute according to their respective capabilities and responsibilities within a framework of a binding agreement, Liechtenstein is
prepared to raise its target up to 30%.
pdf-icon New Zealand (81 kB)New Zealand is prepared to take on a responsibility target for greenhouse gas emissions reductions of between 10 per cent and 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020, if there is a comprehensive global agreement. This means:
• the global agreement sets the world on a pathway to limit temperature rise to not more than 2° C;
• developed countries make comparable efforts to those of New Zealand;
• advanced and major emitting developing countries take action fully commensurate with their respective capabilities;
• there is an effective set of rules for land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); and
• there is full recourse to a broad and efficient international carbon market.

pdf-icon Norway (99 kB)

pdf-icon Letter (37 kB)


As part of a global and comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2012 where major emitting Parties agree on emissions reductions in line with the 2 degrees Celsius target, Norway will move to a level of 40% reduction for 2020.


Russian Federation
pdf-icon (Rus.) (870 kB) pdf-icon(Eng.) (30 kB)

15-25 %
уровень сокращений будет зависеть от следующих условий:
- надлежащий учет потенциала российских лесов в контексте вклада в выполнение обязательств по сокращению антропогенных эмиссий; и
- принятие юридически значимых обязательств по сокращению антропогенных эмиссий парниковых газов всеми крупнейшими эмитентами.

the range of the GHG emission reductions will depend on the following conditions:
- Appropriate accounting of the potential of Russia’s forestry in frame of contribution in meeting the obligations of the anthropogenic emissions reduction;
- Undertaking by all major emitters the legally binding obligations to reduce anthropogenic GHG emissions.

pdf-icon United States of America(79 kB)In the range of 17%, in conformity with anticipated U.S. energy and climate legislation, recognizing that the final target will be reported to the Secretariat in light of enacted legislation.¹
¹The pathway set forth in pending legislation would entail a 30% reduction in 2025 and a 42% reduction in 2030, in line with the goal to reduce emissions 83% by 2050.


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Appendix II - Nationally appropriate mitigation actions ofdeveloping country Parties *
Non-Annex I PartiesActions
Armeniapdf-icon Note Verbale including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(760 kB)
Bhutan pdf-icon Letter (870 kB)
Botswanapdf-icon Note including mitigation actions by non-Annex I Parties (114 kB)
Brazil pdf-icon Note Verbale including nationally appropriate mitigation actions(62 kB)
China pdf-icon Letter including autonomous domestic mitigation actions(157 kB)
Congopdf-icon Actions d'atténuation des émissions des GES et d'adaptation au réchauffement climatique appropriées pour la République du Congo (343 kB)
Costa Rica

pdf-icon Nota de C-neutralidad (392 kB)
pdf-icon Nota verbal(149 kB)

Ethiopiapdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(159 kB)
Georgiapdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(266 kB)
India pdf-icon Letter including India's domestic mitigation actions(465 kB)

pdf-icon Voluntary mitigation actions(309 kB)
pdf-icon Letter (25 kB)

Israel pdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(63 kB)

pdf-icon Mitigation actions (104 kB)
pdf-icon Letter (35 kB)

Madagascar pdf-iconCommunication d'informations relatives à l'Accord de Copenhague(1132 kB)

pdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(1335 kB)
pdf-icon Note Verbale(28 kB)

Marshall Islands pdf-icon Note Verbale including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(51 kB)
Mexico pdf-icon National mitigation actions(108 kB)
Moldova pdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(268 kB)

pdf-icon Nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(181 kB)
pdf-icon Letter (117 kB)

Moroccopdf-icon Note Verbale contenant des actions d'atténuation appropriées au niveau national pour les Pays en développement(1137 kB)
Papua New Guinea

pdf-icon Preliminary and Conditional Inscription of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions and Adaptation Investments(213 kB)
pdf-icon Additional information (216 kB)

Republic of Koreapdf-icon Note Verbale including nationally appropriate mitigation actions of developing country Parties(287 kB)
Sierra Leonepdf-icon Note including mitigation actions(139 kB)
Singapore pdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions(135 kB)
South Africa pdf-icon Letter including nationally appropriate mitigation actions(624 kB)
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedoniapdf-icon Nationally appropriate mitigation measures(11196 kB)
pdf-icon Climate Change Mitigation (9848 kB)
pdf-icon Letter (54 kB)

* Some Parties have noted the need for international support when describing their actions

Further information

Information provided by Parties relating toAppendix I of the Copenhagen Accord

Additional informationprovided by other Parties to the Convention relating to the Copenhagen Accord


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