Healthy Blogs: Youth Participation Ideas COP16: "I know all of you are looking forward to going or sending a delegation of young people to COP 16. Then i do advice you to read through thi..."
By Fredrick Ochieng’ Ouma In the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), all the countries who are party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the beloved offspring of the Earth Summit, were supposed to submit during the 21 st Conference of Parties, countries outlined their emissions stoppage years and when they expect to start the decline in their emissions. More than three-quarters of Parties to UNFCCC submitted these INDCs with a commitment to specific timelines and figures, whether your emissions were significant or not. In fact, the Underdeveloped and the developing countries with insignificant emissions had the most ambitious INDCs. What stands to highlight the difference between these countries or negotiation blocks, is how they stand to use the period between Paris to the specific years they commit to stop further emissions. This
AYICC-Kenya volunteers look into the future-courageously I am writing this because I know there is a dire need for most of our volunteers to pursue a postgraduate (sometimes even the first degree), get a scholarship or whatever grant it might be. So this is for you. If you would like me to write on something else specific to academic progress, do leave a comment below. And of course additions, and corrections are welcome too! When you are told to write a motivation letter, the selection committee is basically asking you to pitch your dream and make it real so that they can give you the money/opportunity to actualize it . In the first one paragraph, they should (must) know who you are, what your professional goal is, and they must locate your capabilities. E.g. I am xx years old Kenyan, with a bachelor’s/Msc degree in xx from xx university and applying for this scholarship/degree programme because of my professional interests/experiences in public policy and community develop
By Dolphine Magero ACRONYMS CCCF County Climate Change Fund WAPC Ward Adaptation Planning Committees PFMA Public Finance Management Act CIDP County Integrated Development Plan GCF Green Climate fund ERPA Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement Ci-Dev Carbon Initiative for Development IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development SREP Scaling up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries SCF Strategic Climate Fund CIF Climate Investment Fund CSO Civil society GEF Global Environmental Facility. UNFCC
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