This is an event organized by East African Wildlife Society & moderated by the Kenya forest Working Group and is the brain child of Miss university 2010/2011 from Maseno university .The event was mainly focused to bring together universities from all over Kenya to come together and compete with environmental awareness in mind. It was organized into two categories which include:
1) Policies on wetlands, wildlife ,forestry and climate change
2) The New Constitution and relevant Acts
3) History of Kenya on all those areas covered above
4) Be conversant with any international conventions and treaties on all those areas
5) Latest changes of Forest cover in Kenya
6) Latest events, intrigues and controversies facing Kenya on those five areas of coverage
7) Be conversant with the current affairs of climate change in Kenya and the rest of the world
8) Have information about development and existence of wetlands in Kenya and the rest of the world
9) Widely read about wildlife
10) Be conversant with any other cross cutting issues that affect the wider aspects of wildlife, forestry, wetlands, policies and climate change.
11) Also on cross cutting issues; have some information on HIV/Aids, governance and Gender
The university is requested to present an innovative idea that can be made a project and that can change or help societies/communities tackle environmental problems. The idea can be a livelihood project; technological, social and economical .The idea to be presented should not be more than three pages and will be presented orally in five minutes. It should consist of the main body (problem statement and background), Objectives and Tentative cumulative amount it can cost.
The best idea as will be judged by the panel of judges shall be awarded.
The Universities invited included:
  1. University of Nairobi.
  2. Great Lakes University.(WINNER OF PART 2)
  3. Mt.Kenya University.
  4. Kabarak University
  5. Daystar University
  6. Africa Nazarene University.
  7. Kenyatta University.(WINNER OF PART 1)
Kenyatta University represented by( Polycarp Kawa,Leah Wachinga & Job Kihiko Mugo)all from Kenyatta University Environmental Club(KUNEC) Members and also students in the School Of Environmental Studies, emerged winners in Category One of the Challenge. They were feted with 4 trophies, three for the participating students and one for the Institution, which will have to be defended in the next Mazingira Quiz Challenge. In addition, Kenyatta university were awarded 2,000 tree seedlings to plant at Embakasi Forest near Ngong’ hills (Kibiko area )& we were able to adopt a section of the forest and name it after the institution in collaboration with Kenya Forest Working Group(KFWG) and the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS).
The Institution was further requested through KUNEC (Kenyatta University Environmental Club), to allow KFWG & KFS to use the Logo of the Institution (KU) to make a Plaque showing that the Institution had won the first ever Quiz challenge and that the institution will ensure that the tree seedlings grow. The tradition will continue allowing the institutions that will win to adopt sections of the forest and be responsible for them; hopefully Kenyatta University will always be on top and adopt the lion’s share of the adoptable land in the forest! Also as a winning University, we were requested to seek permission from the Challenge Administratorsto be hosts of the next Mazingira Quiz challenge next year.

The Quiz Challenge was a build up event for Launching a book titled Development Of Forestry In Kenya (1900 -2007): Challenges and lessons learnt, Edited by Emilio Mugo Senior Deputy Director Kenya Forest Service(KFS), Dr.Charles Nyandiga (UNDP) based In New York, Michael Gachanja of East African Wildlife Society (EAWLS) and with support from Kenya Forest Working Group (KFWG). The launch took place at the Panafric Hotel where Students from the winning Universities K.U. & Great Lakes attended. The Institution emerged 2nd runners up on the 2nd category on the innovative idea that can be made a project and that can change or help societies/communities tackle environmental problems. Present at the Launch was the Ministry Of Forestry and Wildlife representative Mr. Ephraim Muchiri Mwai- Deputy Director Forest Conservation , Finnish Embassy Representatives from,EAWLS,KFWG,K.U.,ICRAF,UNEP(TUNZA PROGRAMME)UON,G. L. U.KWF.KFS amongst others.
We do thank the Almighty GOD for being with us throughout the two days and hoping in the next event we will retain our trophy and adopt a large part of the Ngong’ forest!

Forwarded by Kihiko Mugo, Chairperson, Kenyatta University Environmental CLub (KUNEC), a member of InterVarsity Environment Network (IVEN), a founder of AYICC Kenya.


  1. Hope we retain the Trophy next year,Kudos Kenyatta university for a job well done n also congratulation to the other participants for being worthy opponents..

    Job Kihiko Mugo
    Kenyatta University Environmental Club KUNEC n African Youth Initiative on climate Change(Kenyan Chapter)

  2. This is a great article that simplifies what is needed in induction training. Quizzes are so important in making training materials more visually appealing and help in enhancing the training procedure more efficiently.


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