Reach Out Programme with KUNEC

The Reach –out program is one of the initiatives of AYICC-K, which aims at helping the vulnerable in the society. As a team, we therefore decided to work with Watoto Wema Centre based in Saika Kayole, one of the slums in Nairobi.

In collaboration with Kenyatta University Environmental Club (KUNEC), AYICC-K made yet another visit at the centre on 12th March 2011. The club was celebrating their green week and therefore thought that it was wise to show solidarity with the children. We were grateful for the sun that shown so bright in the sky. A clear indication that it supported our activities as we set out to restore hope in the lives of young innocent children some unaware of even what had transpired to result with them being there.

We arrived at the watoto wema centre around 10.30am guided by three kids from the institution that had come to pick us from the stage. We found them going on with their various duties for the day. The older ones were cleaning their rooms while some were busy preparing lunch. The young ones on the other hand were busy playing outside or watching television in their new TV room.

We were warmly welcomed by the watoto wema centre director –Mr. Lusweti and his assistant -Marion after which we introduced ourselves before they gave us brief history of the centre. We then proceeded and presented the gifts we had brought to the children (we greatly thank everyone who had something to offer-may God reward you abundantly). A tour around the centre followed where we were shown rooms in which their daily activities go on. After that, we dispersed to various activities. An exceptional activity was performed by some gentlemen from KUNEC which was unbelievable-chopping cabbages so well. Others included providing an overview of the importance of environmental conservation to the school going children

During our tour around the centre, we noted that they had acquired two extra rooms for the big boys and a TV room to keep the children entertained especially on weekends. This was very commendable and a positive sign that the centre was growing. Marion highlighted to us some of the on events that had taken place. Some of the things she touched on were the inspection visits made by the children’s department from the government with regards to such centers. As you all know, children centre’s need to comply with laid down rules and regulations so as to avoid closure by the authorities. After the inspection, watoto wema centre was one of the institutions that were not closed down as they cited their issues as rectifiable. Some of the rules that they had to adhere to were the availability of mosquito nets and provision of individual beds.

After lunch, we converged back to the office to give the observations we had made throughout the day. Those present highly commended the centre for acquiring two more rooms for the big boys and a TV room. The management was thankful for our visit and did not hesitate to invite us again whenever we had time. We were also grateful for their invitation that Saturday. At around 3pm, we left with hopes of being back.

By Nancy Njeri
AYICC-KENYA crew present at the centre, Richard and Nancy


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