AYICC Press Statement at CCDA-1, Addis Ababa

African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC)

Press Statement at the 1st Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-1) Conference, 17th to 19th October 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia,

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The African Youth Initiative on Climate Change (AYICC) is represented at the 1st Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-1) Conference by young climate activists, professionals and researchers from the six regions of Africa including Central, Eastern, Southern, Northern and Western Africa.

As African youth form the bulk of the continent’s population; We therefore applaud the initiative of UNECA, AUC, ClimDev and the AfDB for organizing this conference and for facilitating our active participation. The initiative is indeed imperative in leading Africa on a sustainable development path, and in enhancing youth capacities as well as integrating our concerns in the continent’s plans. .

Today, We seek a new way; a new path that shows our humanness which is measured by real prosperity for all and not the size of our economies. We stand in solidarity with our continent to demand a new way and we urge our leaders to honestly and earnestly lead us through this year’s COP process.

We ask that you join us in demanding that our world leaders meeting in Durban should:

1. Commit to a fair, ambitious and legally binding treaty and to a second commitment period for the Kyoto Protocol to ensure the survival of coming generations;

2. Set clear short and long term targets for carbon emission reductions that keep average global temperature increases well below 1.5degrees centigrade, and to support solutions that contribute to healing the earth; and

3. Ensure there is adequate finance for adaptation in Africa. Such finance should come from historically polluting nations in recognition of their ecological debt and be additional to existing development aid, governed inclusively and equitably by the United Nations.

We firmly believe that Africa has great ideas, drive and power to bring about positive climate action generated toward protecting our continent from the negative impacts of climate change. . The recent drought and famine in the horn of Africa is a testimony to the severity of negative climate change impacts we face in Africa but we must remember always that it is corruption, poor governance, poor planning and implementation that exacerbate poverty and under-development.

We therefore call for an urgent strengthening of governance structures in Africa even as we seek to address these adverse climate change impacts.

Today we talk of the ‘Green economy’ in Africa in hushed tones, as if at crossroads on which way to go, but we can define this in our own terms and define our own paths; paths that will lead us on a development path yes, but a more sustainable one!

Towards COP 17 mobilization, over 150 of us will travel to Durban in an African Youth Climate Justice Caravan from Nairobi, Kenya, to Durban, South Africa, spending 42days on the road– to create awareness, collect petitions and mobilize the continent to act for climate justice.

Join us. Support us. Help us get the 1 million signatures for Climate Justice. Help us amplify the voice of the African child and youth, the voice of the people in our communities who are suffering as a result of the impact of climate change. Have Faith – and - ACT NOW to save this generation and generations to come!

We the youth, representing the 38 Chapters of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change gather here today as champions of climate change solutions, seeking ways to address the climate change crises. ‘We Have Faith’ in our ability to bring about this change. ‘We have faith’ in your ability to create for us this new path. You must ACT now!

For us, it is ‘Development First, our Present and Future Before!’ Support us to protect our present and prepare the future for the next generation.’

Thank you,

AYICC representatives at the CCDA-1


Our Contacts:

1. Ezilon Kasoka (Southern Africa Coordinator - Malawi)

ezilonk@yahoo.com / ezilon.kasoka@ayicc.net

2. Jean Paul Brice Affana (Central Africa Coordinator - Cameroon)

jeanpaulaffana@yahoo.fr / jeanpaulaffana@ayicc.net

3. Dr. Landry Mayigane (Eastern Africa Coordinator - Rwanda)

landry.mayigane@gmail.com / landry.mayigane@ayicc.net

4. Dr. Fouad Bergigui (Northern Africa Coordinator - Morocco)

fouad.fmjid@gmail.com / fouad.bergigui@ayicc.net

5. Nkiruka Nnaemego (Member of AYICC - Nigeria)


6. Winnie Asiti (Advisor of AYICC - Kenya)

w_asiti@yahoo.com / Winnie.asiti@ayicc.net

7. Amare Abebaw (AYICC Ethiopia)


Our Online petition ‘’ We Have Faith’’: www.wehavefaithactnow.org

AYICC Website: www.ayicc.net

Our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/we.have.faith

Continental Coordinator: Sylvia Wachira - sylvia.wachira@ayicc.net

Continental Co-Coordinator: Ibrahim Ceesay - ibrahim.ceesay@ayicc.net


  1. AYICC is my inspiration, young people of Africa, you touch my heart, i am only gone for a while, but soon, i will be back to support you in all i can, keep doing good for the sake of our continent. We are the generation to redeem Africa from the kind of retrogressive governance and leadership.

  2. Thia is a great initiative, I wonder if we have a representative from Mozambique, as you may know Mozambique is one of the most prone country to Climate Change events, beeing Maputo one of the 10 most affected cities in the worrld. We are from KUWUKA JDA - Juventude Desenvolvimento e Advocacia Ambiental (Youth Development and Environmental Advocacy), we would like to join the initiative.
    Camilo Nhancale - Chairman of the Board

  3. To contact us: kuwuka.jda@tdm.co.mz, or cacconha@tdm.co.mz

  4. Very good initiative bringing everyone together but we hope its also going to be practical and involve people like us who are practical on the ground like envior edu in schools, outreach programs, community sustainable income generating activities etc. Its not difficult if you work together and advise on issues, workshops, conferences etc. ecotourismzambia. green initiative zambia


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