AYICC Kenya Chief Coordinator in Tanzania on AUYVC Mission

Davida landing back from space 'literally'

A month ago the AYICC Kenya Coordinator left on a ‘one-year sabbatical’ to Tanzania. As an African Union Youth Volunteer Corp, Davida was posted to Dar es Salaam to take up service for Mama Africa. He is stationed at Capacitate Consulting Ltd. – a Communications-for-development consultancy firm based in Dar es Salaam. The firm has a unique approach to projects helping programs package their information, strategize and communicate their endeavors to the right audience, using the right approaches. The Capacitate team has worked with numerous actors across sectors from advertising agencies within Tanzania, private foundations and International aid agencies including The Benjamin Mkapa HIV/AIDS Foundation, African Union, UN Women, UNHCR, among others. David is overseeing Strategy, Advocacy and Communications.

Davida, Kito & MoreBlessings at a Strategy Meeting in Pretoria,SA
Davida comes with a rare talent: The ability to inspire and motivate. A Psychologist by training he is one of the few people who always makes you believe in yourself even at moments when you think all is lost.

A great dreamer, he has worked on many projects successfully and it can be said he of him that he has taken not only AYICC Kenya but AYICC to great heights.

In 2011, Davida served as one of the Coordinators of the much acclaimed ‘African Youth Climate Justice Caravan’’ The dedication, the wise counsel and determination to forge forward even at the hardest times will always stand out. Davida worked more than full time on the Caravan preparations spending many sleepless nights working on it. He participated in a meeting with religious leaders and other stakeholders where the campaign name ‘We Have Faith- Act Now for Climate Justice’ was decided upon.

Planting the future: A Seedling of hope

It’s definitely come full circle for someone who has dedicated his time to the growth of the AYICC movement ensuring that youth voices are heard over and above the din of other voices. But it’s not only in AYICC where he has made a great mark, there is the Kenya Youth Climate Network where he has led great initiatives including the African Rio +20 Workshops and Summit held in Nairobi earlier this year as a lead up to Rio+20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

He has also impacted the Model United Nations where he shone through many novel initiatives. Davida takes to Tanzania a wealth of experience in idea generation, people management, movement building and action leading. AYICC Tanzania is definitely set to benefit from his rich, vast,dynamic and optimistic outlook.

Davida reads a speech at the Launch of the 'We Have Faith' Campaign in Gigiri

     ‘Leadership is the problem we must first solve in this world’, says the passionate youth leader.

             AYICC Kenya is very proud of you J AYICC Kenya will miss you J

©Celebrating AYICCers series


  1. I am very proud of you Davida, keep up the good work, and keep inspiring others around you. I will not forget your inspiration when you travelled to Nyeri for my Thanksgiving. God Bless you.

  2. The caravan family is with you Davida! Keep on trucking :-D Lots of love to Mama Africa x

  3. Davida is a truly inspiring leader! I have learnt a lot from him, thankfully, and his skills are rare, very rare!


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