Why The Future is Investing in Youth


Studies have shown that Africa seems to be experiencing something called a demographic bonus which simply means that it seems to have more young people than old people.

The predictions also seem to indicate that by 2020 three out of every four Africans will be the age of 20years. This is proof that youth are indeed the future of Africa.
 It is for this reason that European Union is seeking partnership with the AU in order to try and secure the future of the youth who are the incoming leaders of Africa.

This partnership will seek to inquire what is it that is important to the African youth or what it is that they would like to see changed in terms of Climate change and Environment, Education and Development skills, Peace and Security, Governance, Culture sports and arts, and finally employment or job creation.
It is by dissecting these aspects of the day to day life that this partnership hopes to be able to draw a roadmap on how youth can be better represented at the table when it comes to issues that affect them and the issues pertaining to their future as Africans.

It is also through these aspects that this initiative hopes to start to mould a better world that is more youth-friendly in a bid to take care of the youth agenda.
The initiative will take three trips to different parts of the country which it believes is a representative of the rest of the country so as to get the opinion of the youth on the ground on what exactly it is that they want to be done and how best do they suggest they be done so as to ensure that they are not left out.

The counties to be visited are Vihiga, Mombasa and Nairobi county. Nairobi county becomes strategic as it happens to be a metropolitan city consisting of the great diversity of youth in terms of tribe, background, and levels of education.
Mombasa county becomes critical as it would be wrong to assume that the youth agenda in this place is similar to the rest of the country given that it is an island therefore even their challenges and opportunities may tend to differ from the rest of the country.

Vihiga becomes vital for this research as studies estimate that the area has the fastest population growth rate in the country. The three visits will be in preparation for the upcoming AU-EU summit which is to be held from the 29th to the 30th of November in Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire.

The reports from the counties are to be submitted then and follow up blog articles will be posted after completion of each visit.

More Information Coming Soon...


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