Insights from the African Climate Week and Youth Assembly 2023
One Step forward, two steps back: Insights from the African Climate Week and Youth Assembly 2023 By Nolita Mvunelo , program manager at The Club of Rome and Christine Ogola , national co-ordinator – African Youth Initiative on Climate Change The African Climate Week (ACW) (4 th – 8 th September 2023 ) and its preceding African Climate Youth Assembly (AYCA) marked a significant gathering in the realm of African climate discussions. They were among the biggest and most anticipated high level climate gatherings in Africa since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. With the ambition to discuss “ African-led solutions to global challenges , ” culminating in a n African Y outh Climate D eclaration , the AYCA served as a dynamic platform for young people to flex their passion and knowledge to wards influenc ing the ACW agenda for “green growth and climate finance for Africa and the world. Although there were victories , such ...